
The model of a modern University is characterized by the formalization of its activities within the framework of implementing specific educational programs through the educational process and focusing on the final result in the form of a competitive specialist. As a result, the universal values, the spirit of participation in the acquisition of new knowledge, which were present in previous generations of universities, are leveled. However, the students’ needs in their personal development remain at the present time. This leads to the search for new forms and the use of new technologies to meet this need. Based on the research, the authors propose a Lectures model as one of these forms, which includes scientific and methodological, practice-oriented and personal-development components. This is where the spirit of the University as an element of Higher education, the tasks of the University as an educational organization to train competitive specialists and the needs of the individual in self-development can be realized. Considering the development of information and educational technologies, it is necessary to apply them actively in the already available instruments of the Higher School. The educational process should become interesting, interactive, covering various aspects of the studied disciplines as much as possible. But at the same time, the educational process should not lose its main purpose - the formation of new knowledge and the upbringing of a socially active and positive personality. Taking into account the development of science and technology it is these two components that the Lectures are directed towards.


  • Modern universities are radically different from their predecessors [1, 2], which is a natural process [3], reflecting the features of the historical evolution of the society and the state and the trends that have emerged as a result of this in pedagogy and education [4]

  • All this leads to the "search for parameters that determine the specificity of the modern educational space of the University, in particular, the modern University" [8]

  • Despite the fact that at present, in relation to universities, a specific result rather than the achievement of common goals comes to the fore, practical competencies rather than high universal and social values are formed, not education as such but the educational process is carried out, the essence of Higher education within the University is still preserved, as evidenced by the wishes of students and the readiness of teachers

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Modern universities are radically different from their predecessors [1, 2], which is a natural process [3], reflecting the features of the historical evolution of the society and the state and the trends that have emerged as a result of this in pedagogy and education [4].But "if previously knowledge and science were based on an enlightening picture of the world and were considered mainly as an absolute and boundless value, the concept of useful knowledge prevailed, i.e. knowledge that is essentially limited, focused on specifics and aimed at a result that brings immediate economic benefits. The University is not a temple of science, but a "market place" in the broadest sense [5] This is the result of changes that have taken place in societies and states over the past decades, and in which, it should be noted, universities-organizations themselves have taken an active part. All this leads to the "search for parameters that determine the specificity of the modern educational space of the University, in particular, the modern University" [8]. Their essence has not changed: universities still carry out training, and conduct research

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