
The author analyzes the main definitions of the researched problem: "educational technology", "pedagogical technology", "learning technologies", "innovative technologies". The essence of innovative learning technologies is characterized. The main innovative technologies are aimed at the development of professional competencies of teachers of vocational training and set a new vision of scientific and practical experience. The importance of the role of the use of innovative technologies in the professional activity of pedagogical workers of vocational (professional and technical) educational institutions is revealed, which effectively influences the increase of the level of professional competence of teachers. The author proves that introducing innovations in the learning process provides a high level of quality of vocational education, they should motivate and stimulate future skilled workers to receive the relevant demands of the market of vocational qualifications. The article defines the pedagogical conditions for the use of new technologies in the professional activity of teachers of vocational training. It is determined that the novelty of the experience is the training of students with the use of innovative technologies that qualitatively exceed classical education, so it is necessary to work with teachers: increasing the level of creativity of teachers, the desire for research, research work, providing psychological support for innovative pedagogical activities, the desire for self-development and self-improvement of teachers. The basis and content of innovative educational processes is innovative activity, the essence of which is to update the pedagogical process, the introduction of new formations in the traditional system. The use of modern innovative pedagogical technologies allows to create an effective system of education. The article indicates the trends in the development of educational technologies, methods of dissemination of innovations, which in the complex is due to objective factors: individualization of the educational process, the concept of national education of children and youth, variable learning systems (developmental, differentiated, etc.), methods of designing and modeling the life of the individual, a dialogic form of communication between the subjects of the educational process, a system for assessing the academic achievements of students.

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