
Lecture on neurology for internists "Ataxia: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features" reveals the most important clinical manifestations of various forms of ataxia with a disorder of the function of balance and coordination of movements. Most doctors, due to the dominance of ideas about the association of dizziness and imbalance of the body with the pathology of the vestibular apparatus, often do not take into account the essential role of various diseases of the central nervous system and the appearance of these symptoms, therefore the disorder of this pathology in the lecture course for interns specialty "nerve diseases" is relevant. Given the classification, distinguish static ataxia - disturbances in the normal vertical position, dynamic - coordination disorders in motion. In clinical practice, there are several types of ataxia: sensitized, cerebellar, vestibular and cortical. The neurological examination has two main objectives: to detect disturbances of the cerebellum and other parts of the central nervous system. Correctly collected history can already at this stage to form an idea of ​​the disease with a clear assessment of the course and language. The instrumental methods of examination allow to detect or rule out disturbances in other parts of the nervous system. Medicinal treatment of ataxia is symptomatic. Positive effect is provided by supportive therapy: physiotherapeutic methods, massage, acupuncture, classes with speech therapist.

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