
Normative approaches developed in the traditional education system are based on the classical resources, and this type of formal education reveals more and more restrictions, both for teaching and for evaluations, as soon as information has still an exponential development. At the same time, the informal education recognised as the regional information systems and the non-formal education reflected as the global information system evolve as a learning environment with more and more consequences for students. In this context, the formal education requires to be reorganized as a national information system according to the functionalities of the e-society, consolidated on the main three building blocks: e-Education, e-Science and e-Business. This article is designed as a conceptual one, focused on specific features of the e-classroom, considered as the standard technological infrastructure, defined as an extension of the traditional classroom in e-education. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight the new paradigm of meta-instruction in e-education as it is profiling as the basement of the learning support in standard e-classroom.Keywords: Assisted Instruction, Educational Research, E-Articles, Assisted Individual Study, Qualifications and Occupational Standards1 IntroductionI nformation has still an exponential development since the appropriate technology had been devised and information technology had become a scientific research field. In education, information technology has to move the boundary between teaching and learning in the same manner in which the technological infrastructure harmonizes theory and practice in science or the suppliers and the customers in business.Such an approach has to focus to the central concept of the e-society, which is qualification, and this fact explains why e-education is valuable both as an end in itself, and as an engine of the community. The development of the conceptual approaches for describing qualifications is currently an important priority for any country.In [1, p.22] is specified that traditional models and methods of expressing qualifications structures are giving way to systems based on explicit reference points using learning outcomes and competencies, levels and level indicators, subject benchmarks and qualification descriptors. These devices provide more precision and accuracy and facilitate transparency and comparison. Without these common approaches, full recognition, real transparency and thus the creation of an effective European Higher Education Area, will be more difficult to achieve. In a similar vision, [2, p.3] mention that in The European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF), a learning outcome is defined as a statement of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process. The EQF therefore emphasises the results of learning rather than focusing on inputs such as length of study. Learning outcomes are specified in three categories - as knowledge, skills and competence. This signals that qualifications - in different combinations - capture a broad scope of learning outcomes, including theoretical knowledge, practical and technical skills, and social competences where the ability to work with others will be crucial.In the section Some Terminology Issues Concerning Key Competencies, [3, p. 291-292] mention that notions such as competence, competency, skill, ability, know-how, capacity, capability and aptitude are used or associated with different meanings according to the context and are sometimes considered more or less equivalent. Moreover, in many countries, it is difficult to make a clear distinction between skills and competences or competencies. The same author highlights that even the official European terminology maintains some ambiguity. For example, on the IATE (Interactive Terminology in Europe) website 'competence' is translate into French as 'competence', but 'skill' is also translated as 'competence', which reflects the real world, since skills and competences in French are often used indiscriminately in the general education sphere. …

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