
LEARNING MEDIA IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE QUR'AN AND HADITHSalahuddin Musofeeroos01@gmail.comAbstrackThe development of science and technology is increasingly encouraging renewal efforts in the use of technological results in the learning process, and it is possible that the media must be adapted to the developments and demands of the times. Because of the right media support, learning objectives can be achieved well too. Therefore, a learning media will affect whether or not the information is complete and on target, and affects the final outcome of the learning this process. At the time of the Prophet SAW, teaching and learning activities were known, so if we look back at the time of the Prophet SAW, actually the learning media itself already existed and had been applied by Rasulullah SAW. He is in teaching science to his friends cannot be separated from the existence of the media as a means of conveying Islamic religious teachings.

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