
The purpose of this research article is to explore the possibility of developing foreign language lexical competencies of students of higher educational institutions specialized in studying languages on the basis of a learner-centered approach. All over the world, at educational and research institutions scientific research has been carried out on the development of educational content and teaching methods, educational technologies, objectivity of control, learner-centered approach and continuity of modern teaching methods, training of qualified specialists based on the best practices. At the same time, special attention is paid to the development of foreign language competencies of future foreign language teachers on the basis of a learner-centered approach, improving the system of training foreign language teachers in information educational technologies. Pedagogical experiment was carried out at three higher educational institutions: Termez State University (TerSU), Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute (JizDPI), and Uzbekistan State World Languages University (UzSWLU) with the 1st and 2nd year of the bachelor faculties, in language aspects communicative lexical module and was applied at practical lessons on the basis of an experimental program. A total of 463 students of foreign languages and literature (English) faculty at higher educational institutions: 177 students of TerSU, 179 students of JDPI, 107 students of UzSWLU took part in the experiment. The study used a questionnaire developed by the author to collect information about the approach of students to the process of a language learning at universities in Uzbekistan. The survey helped to determine the extent to which students in all groups developed autonomous, independent learning skills and the formation of self-critical assessment skills. The averages collected through the survey were analyzed using inferential statistical methods. Students in the experimental group used lesson plans developed by the author during the academic year. According to the results of the study, the statistical analysis showed that the experimental work carried out to determine the level of effectiveness of the experiment was productive.

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