This research aims to measure the impact of a leadership development programme presented from the systems psychodynamic stance. The aim was to develop psychoanalytically informed change leaders to lead change and transformation in the continuously changing and transforming New Economy network organisation. In order to do this, a group relations training programme was presented for 30 leaders. Qualitative assessment using grounded theory during post-intervention focus groups interviewing indicated the group’s awareness of psychodynamic leadership behaviour such as the regression towards frequent pathological leadership personality characteristics, regression towards unconscious group- and organizational processes such as the basic assumption group, the covert coalition and socially structured defense systems against change and transformation. Insight was also gained in the new leadership role and the taking up of personal authority in the network organisation that needs to function as a systemic whole. Limitations in the study are noted and Recommendations are made to enhance change leader skills for leadership in the New Economy network organisation. OpsommingHierdie navorsing poog om die impak van ‘n leierskapsontwikkelingsprogram wat aangebied is vanuit die sistemiese psigodinamiese perspektief, te evalueer. Die doel was om psigoanalitiese ingeligte leiers te ontwikkel om verandering en transformasie in die gedurige veranderende en transformerende Nuwe Ekonomie netwerk organisasie, te lei. Ten einde dit te bolwerk is. ‘n Groep -verhoudinge-opleidingsprogram is aangebied vir 30 leiers. Kwalitatiewe evaluasie deur van begrondingsteorie gebruik te maak gedurende, die post-intervensie fokus groepe het ‘n groepbewustheid aangedui van psigodinamiese leierskapgedrag soos die regressie na dikwelse patologiese leierskapspersoonlikheidskenmerke, regressie in onbewustelike groep- en organisatoriese prosesse soos die basiese aanname-groep, die koverte-koalisie- en sosiaal-gestruktureerde-verdedigingsisteme teen verandering en transformasie. Insig is ook in die nuwe leierskap rol en die opneem van persoonlike outoriteit in die netwerk organisasie wat moet funksioneer as ‘n sistemiese geheel, bekom. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die leierskapsrol in verandering in terme van vaardighede in die Nuwe Ekonomienetwerkorganisasie, te bevorder.
This research aims to measure the impact of a leadership development programme presented from the systems psychodynamic stance
Pre-intervention focus group results The organisation that was studied in this research was moving towards the New Economy network organisation
Fear and a lack of trust in the organisational holding environment and the resistance to change resulted in less visible socially structured defence mechanisms, group behaviour characteristic of the basic assumption group, sentience groups, and a regression in leadership styles and role ambiguity in the taking up of new leadership roles, as amply expressed by one research participant: “They teach the managers to tell the guys at the bottom, sorry but your job has been affected
This research aims to measure the impact of a leadership development programme presented from the systems psychodynamic stance. Die doel was om psigoanalitiese ingeligte leiers te ontwikkel om verandering en transformasie in die gedurige veranderende en transformerende Nuwe Ekonomie netwerk organisasie, te lei. Leadership development from the systems psychodynamic consultancy perspective offers a leadership developmental approach to train and develop psychoanalytically informed leaders (Obholzer & Roberts, 1994) to deal with the DE JAGER, CILLIERS, VELDSMAN complexities surrounding human psychodynamics and anxiety in the workplace, when confronted with change and transformation. People influence the organisations they are in and the organisations in turn influence them and the way they think, feel and behave
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