The systems that we fi nd in nature are organized in a hierarchical way, which means that they are confi gured in layers, to the ones that characteristic scales of time, longitude and energy are corresponded. When we refer to “scale” we’re talking about the space or time dimension of a phenomenon and there are three aspects to consider: the characteristic scale, the scale effect and the scaling. The scales law, which follows many natural phenomenon, is described by the laws of potency, which are mathematic expressions, such as Y=cX b ; where X and Y are two observable variables, c is a constant and b the scale exponent. Na expression like this has two fundamental properties: 1) its logarithmic transformation is converted into a straight line [log(Y) = log(c) + b log(X)]; 2) it is invariable to scale changes. There are, basically, four ambits in which these functions are used: in the biological type systems (allometric laws), of fractal geometry, where it is used for the determination of fractal dimensions; in certain types of complex nets and in the study of the distributions of probability with free scale behavior. Its utility in sports is recent and opens a new methodological line in the applied research, allowing to approach, with simple tools, an infi nity of subjects related to the structure of sports, its manifestation in the competition and the way to train it.
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