The combustion diagnostics community has recently begun to focusits efforts toward practical combustion devices. One impetusbehind this effort is the need to develop aeropropulsion gasturbine combustors with ultra-low NOx emissions. For thepast several years, the Flame Diagnostics Laboratory at PurdueUniversity has been advancing optically non-intrusive techniquesto measure concentrations of nitric oxide [NO] in leandirect-injection (LDI) spray flames. LDI flames offer thepossibility of reducing NOx emissions from gas turbines byrapid mixing of the liquid fuel and air so as to drive the flamestructure toward partially premixed conditions. In this paper,we review the technical approach required to utilizelaser-induced fluorescence (LIF) methods for quantitativelymeasuring [NO] in LDI spray flames. In the progression fromatmospheric to high-pressure measurements, the LIF methodrequires a shift from the saturated to the linear regime offluorescence measurements. As such, we discuss quantitative,spatially resolved laser-saturated fluorescence (LSF), linearlaser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and planar laser-inducedfluorescence (PLIF)measurements of NO concentration in atmospheric, LDI sprayflames. In general, the results are comparable, although novelfiltering techniques are required at higher flame pressures.
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