
We present a transcription of the instructions that the clergy of Charcas prepared in 1584 for the procurator of the appeals to the Third Limense Council, a position held by Domingo de Almeida between 1585 and 1591. The corpus is composed of: 1) "Instrucción general del clero de Charcas", agreed in La Paz; 2) "Instrucción del clero del vicariato de la Villa de Potosí"; 3) "Instrucción de lo que ha de hacer y proponer el señor bachiller Baltasar de Torres en Chuquiavo con los demás procuradores", elaborated by the prebendaries of the cathedral of La Plata; and 4) "Instrucción de Potosí" to "moderar los capítulos de la instrucción". Along with this, a historical study is provided to understand the context in which they were generated and an approach to the content of the manuscripts.

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