
The notion of anomaly encompasses a multitude of systemic, physical or psychic deviations and it can have a wide range of possible interpretations. Octave Mirbeau manages to capture all its nuances by presenting, in his novel Sébastien Roch, a vision of reality filled with anomalies. In our contribution, we will show the abundance of defects in the novelistic universe of Sébastien Roch, analyse their essence and then move on to the influence they have on the eponymous character. We will look at the corruption of the education system run by the clerics who denigrate the protagonist's rights in order to preserve their own power; at mental disorders caused by painful experiences as well as at psychological dysfunctions; finally at physical deformities that often reflect the character vices of those affected. Our contribution shall depict a corrupted world where the “normal” is no longer considered as such.

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