
The article focuses on the examining language of poetry and style of the time, in particular XIII century. Several poems of poets such as Qol Ghali (XIII century), Durbek (XV century) and Crimean Tatar poet Mahmud Qirimli were examined. Because of them, we made an attempt to show the special features of the texts especially the style of the transitional period texts. Our study draws attention to the fact that the style of the language of poetry of the XIII century has been properly examined, the attention of researchers was focused on distinct poems, which highlights not only by the name, but also by the peculiarity of their language. The study of a language of a certain period helps not only to reveal the peculiarities of a language on the certain territory, but also to highlight the shaping of the literary norm, firstly, as a general, and later as a separate language. In our research, we analyze the language of the period by focusing on three poems. Thanks to such scholars as K. Konuratly, R. Fazyl, A. Kokieva, the work was transliterated from Arabic script to Latin and Cyrillic, and, furthermore, it the poem “Yusuf and Zuleyha” written by Mahmud Qirimli was analyzed. The research of the poem “Qissa-i Yosif” written by Qol Ghali was done by such scientists as N. Khissamov, M. Usmanov, Kh. Usmanov, M. Zakieva, N. Yuzef, M. Gaynutdinov, on the poem “Yusuf and Zuleyha” written by Durbek worked: Bertels, Oybek, V. Zokhidov, I. Sulton, A. Kayumov, B. Velihodjayev, S. Haydarov, N. Mallaev, P. Shamsiyev, Kh. Zaripov, H. Karimov, Kh. Akromov and others. The given topic was a little studied, and the language and style are insufficiently considered by linguists. Just a poem on its own maybe, not enough, but still were studied, however, there are no researches in the comparative aspect. The language of this period is mixed, which means some words are used, affixes of which may belong to any group of Turkic languages, we can see this in the ancient texts and the XIII century works. The vast majority of lexis is Turkic. But still in the work written in the XIV–XV centuries there were some changes in vocabulary, the number of borrowings from Person and Arabic increased. Versification (rhyme, meter, etc.) was gradually getting under the Arabic-Persian influence.


  • The article focuses on the examining language of poetry and style of the time, in particular XIII century

  • Our study draws attention to the fact that the style of the language of poetry of the XIII century has been properly examined, the attention of researchers was focused on distinct poems, which highlights by the name, and by the peculiarity of their language

  • Just a poem on its own maybe, not enough, but still were studied, there are no researches in the comparative aspect. The language of this period is mixed, which means some words are used, affixes of which may belong to any group of Turkic languages, we can see this in the ancient texts and the XIII century works

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Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Just a poem on its own maybe, not enough, but still were studied, there are no researches in the comparative aspect The language of this period is mixed, which means some words are used, affixes of which may belong to any group of Turkic languages, we can see this in the ancient texts and the XIII century works. Халимоненко вважають найбільш яскравими зразками ранньої класичної тюркської літератури поему «Кутадгу біліг» Юсуфа Баласагуні та твір Махмуда Кашгарі. Ознайомившись з дослідженнями видатних тюркологів, можна погодитися із думкою Заміни Рустамбейлі стосовно зразкових творів ХІІІ–ХIV ст., назвавши їх творами перехідного періоду класичної літератури, тому що в них простежуються відблиски прийдешньої «нормальної» арузської поезії. Проаналізуємо уривки з поеми Кул Галі «Кисса-і Йусуф» («Сказання про Йусуфа», 1233), Дурбека «Юсуф і Зулейха» (1409), а також повний текст кримського поета Махмуда Киримли «Хікяєт-і Юсуф ве Зулейха» («Розповідь Юсуф і Зулейха», 1220).

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