
This research aims to measure the perceptions of first and fourth year students at Marmara University’s Faculty of Theology in the 2019-2020 academic year on the services provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The research was conducted using the survey technique and the opinions of 249 students were taken. The data collection tool used in the research was a questionnaire prepared in consultation with experts in the field. The scale used in the research consists of three factors: “the General Perception of DIB Services”, “the General Perception of DIB Written, Visual and Audio Broadcasting Services” and “the General Perception of DIB Field Services”. The total variance of these factors was 43.96%. In the analysis of the data the SPSS Statistic Programme was used. Independent Samples T-test, Anova, and LSD were used to test research problems. The construct validity and reliability of the test were measured, and the KMO value was 0.858; Cronbach Alpha reliability values (for three factors) were recorded as 0.846, 0.806 and 0.736. The results of the research show that the arithmetic averages of the overall perception dimension of the DIB Services are 3.23 (medium level), the arithmetic averages of the general perception dimension of the DIB Written, Visual and Audio Broadcasting Services are 2.35 (low level), and the arithmetic averages of the overall perception of the DIB Area Services are 3.03 (medium level). These results were sometimes in keeping with, and sometimes different from, the results achieved in other academic studies that were similar to the subject of the research.

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