This paper analyzes the reinvention of enterprises as adaptive systems and contributors to territorial reconstruction, sustainable development and peace in regions with structural violence and armed conflict. The reinvention implied, first, describing and relating six challenges as interacting elements inherent to the transit of the enterprise as an actively integrated system in the regions, and, second, analyzing the subjectivities and experiences (in light of the challenges) of leaders who mobilize a triple territorialized power, the Federation, the productive systems and the agrarian society in the Pacific coast and the Caribbean Sea, with significant contributions to peace and development. In the analysis, the systemic paradigm was put in symbiosis with the hermeneutic paradigm, the first, accompanied by the bibliographic review to recognize and integrate the ideas-force (challenges) as part of the constitution of the system, and, in the second, with the practice of focal group, five interviews and observations that guarantee the analysis of the actors of the company.
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