
The study covers 432 individuals from the northern part of the territory of Vocontii, which corresponds to the boundaries of the city of Die (ILN Die). The names have been resituated in relation to all the Vocontii, compared to those of Gallia Narbonensis and the western provinces. The survey is based on lapidary inscriptions, instrumentum inscriptum and literary occurrences. Vocontii from “ outside” have been integrated. The names of Roman citizens, peregrini, the incerti and slaves are successively studied, trying to identify indigenous names, Italian Latin names, regional Latin names and Greek names. There is a Semitic name. The relations between nomina and cognomina are analysed, as well as the transmission of nomina from one generation to the next : the names of men and women are compared. In this city of Latin law, since Caesar or Augustus, the onomastic reveals a clear Latinity, a real integration into the Roman world. Roman citizens mainly have “ Latin-Italian” names and similarly nearly one in two peregrinus/-a.

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