
La comunicacion de la marca de las cadenas hoteleras a traves de sus sedes web: propuesta de un modelo para su gestionA comunicacao da marca das cadeias hoteleiras atraves de seus sites: proposta de um modelo de gestaoTourism is key to socioeconomic progress and involves a large number of agents, including hotel chains. This article intends to propose a model to manage brand communication of hotel chains through their websites. In this context, brand value is based on appropriate communication management through messages on certain variables comprising it. These variables materialize in intangible resources that help explain brands, including corporate identity (what organizations are), their corporate social responsibility (what they are willing to do for the benefit of society over what they are required to do) and their corporate reputation (the result of their behavior and the positive perceptions of their audiences). Founded on the review of recent literature, an initial model is established and described using a series of variables, parameters and items that define the appropriate way for hotel chains to transmit brand messages on their websites. The initial model was submitted for validation to a Delphi panel of twenty-six tourism and communication experts. The resulting model is an instrument to plan/review website communication of hotel chains and other tourism-related organizations in order to correctly send their brand messages.Para citar este articulo / to reference this article / para citar este artigoCastillo, A., Carrillo-Duran, M. V. y Luengo-Chavez, G. (2019). La comunicacion de la marca de las cadenas hoteleras a traves de sus sedes web. Propuesta de un modelo para su gestion. Palabra Clave, 22(2), e22211. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.2.11Recibido: 15/04/2018Aceptado: 26/06/2018

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