
El papel de la opinion publicada en la prensa escrita colombiana antes del plebiscito del 2 de octubre de 2016 O papel da opiniao publicada na imprensa colombiana antes do plebiscito de 2 de outubro de 2016 This article gathers the results of a descriptive research project conducted by researchers from the Media Observatory of the School of Communication at the Universidad de La Sabana. It discusses the role of opinions published in the Colombian press before the plebiscite of October 2, 2016 with which the Government of President Juan Manuel Santos Calderon intended to endorse the peace agreements reached with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Using the content analysis method, 466 plebiscite-related opinions published by the main national and regional printed media in Colombia were analyzed. We noted, among other things, the primacy of emotional persuasive resources over rational ones, greater presence of episodic interpretation frameworks over thematic ones, and a strong political, social and cultural connotation within the arguments for or against approving the Havana peace accords. Persuasive strategies included the use of values, either their exaltation or threatened continuity, especially in central aspects of the Colombian political culture matrix such as the risk of changing the economic model, the hypothetical threat to the democratic system, or the destabilization of social and moral models such as the family structure. Para citar este articulo / to reference this article / para citar este artigo Gomez-Giraldo, J. C. y Cardenas-Ruiz, J. D. (2018). El papel de la opinion publicada en la prensa escrita colombiana antes del plebiscito del 2 de octubre de 2016. Palabra Clave 22(1), e2219. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.1.9

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