Abstract To create an ultra-high vacuum state at the KSTAR, the temperature of plasma facing component and vacuumvessel should be maintained at 300 ℃ and 110 ℃ respectively at a baking phase. The purpose of this research is obtaining the target baking temperatures. Experiments were performed to investigate the temperature characteristics of PFC and VV at the baking phase. Thermal network analysis was used to find heat transfer rates among PFC, VV and other components,and this analysis was verified by using the experimental data. The required heating energy of the PFC and the heatingand cooling energy of the VV for the target baking temperatures were found to be 346 kW, 28 kW, and 136 kW, respectively. Key words KSTAR(한국형 초전도 핵융합연구장치), Plasma facing component(플라즈마대향장치), Vacuum vessel(진공용기), Baking(가열탈리), Radiative heat transfer(복사열전달)†Corresponding author, E-mail: k43689@nfri.re.kr 기호설명 A :표면적 [㎡] F :형태계수 r :반경 [m] T :온도 [℃]그리스 문자 :스테판 볼츠만 상수 :방사율하첨자 cond :전도열전달 int :자체가열열량 rad :복사열전달
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