
Sunlight was suspected to affect CaOx crystal formation in porang . This research had aim to determine variations in forms of CaOx crystals and the influence of shade on the density of CaOx crystals in porang. Preparations for microscopic observation derived from sliced leaf, petiole, and tuber of porang that grown under shaded and exposed to sunlight conditions. Sliced organ was cleared by using the modified clearing method. The parameters that observed included shape, shape variety, and density of CaOx crystals. CaOx crystal density were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Tukey (α 0.05). The differences of crystal density between the edges and middle of the organ were analyzed using Paired Samples T Test. Microscopic observation showed that CaOx crystals were grouped into large (20-710 m) and small (1-15 m) crystals size. The density of CaOx crystals in plants exposed to sunlight was 3 times higher than the shaded plants. Leaf organ had the highest number of crystal compared to others organ. The tuber had the lowest density of CaOx crystals among organ. In addition, the shaded or exposed to sunlight condition had no effect on CaOx crystal density between the edges and center of the organ.


  • Sunlight was suspected to affect CaOx crystal formation in porang

  • Preparations for microscopic observation derived from sliced leaf

  • tuber of porang that grown under shaded

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Pengambilan sampel daun dan tangkai daun saat tanaman porang yang berumur delapan minggu dengan pertimbangan pada umur tersebut merupakan fase pertumbuhan vegetatif yang maksimal karena setelah delapan minggu tanaman porang mulai menguning di bagian tepi daunnya. Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah sampling per organ dengan membuat irisan pada daun, bagian pinggir tangkai daun, bagian tengah tangkai daun, bagian tengah umbi, dan bagian pinggir umbi. Irisan jaringan masing-masing sampel tanaman porang direndam dalam NaOH 5% pada botol film yang berbeda, dan diinkubasi dalam oven bersuhu 37oC selama 24 jam untuk mempercepat penetrasi NaOH 5% dalam jaringan. Irisan jaringan masingmasing sampel tanaman porang direndam dalam larutan sodium hipoklorit komersial. Setelah perendaman dengan EtOH, irisan jaringan tanaman porang diletakkan pada gelas objek yang telah ditetesi hoyer dan ditutup dengan cover glass

Pengamatan dan Perhitungan kiristal
The Effect of Combining Them with
Accumulation as Regulated by Nitrogen
Oxalate Crystals as An Effective Defense
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