
Renewable energy sources are an increasing trend in the world as an alternative solution to rapidly depleting fossil fuels. Due to the depletion of fossil fuel resources and the reduction of climate change, societies are forced to internalize these effects and to pave the way for sustainable energy technologies. Other reasons for preference are that these resources are cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Looking at rapidly falling cost curves such as solar and wind energy and the comparability of traditional production technologies in the global market help in establishing the price and performance balance. Today, with the storage options becoming more affordable, the popularity of renewable energy sources has increased. While storage methods provided an advantage for traditional energy sources in the past, today it has provided great convenience in terms of both distribution and transmission of electrical energy produced from renewable sources. The electrical energy obtained from renewable sources and the maturation of the technologies used to obtain this energy, the increase in distributed energy sources, the decrease in the costs of storage technologies, strong consumer behaviors affect the price-performance balance, as well as the way we produce, use and trade electricity. In this study, global renewable energy trends will be examined and information will be given on price and performance equality on and off the grid.

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