Constructivism, constructionism and social work In this article the constructivistic framework of reasoning is illustrated with reference to the premises of the structure determinism of Maturana, Kelly's personality constructs theory, and the radical constructivism as developed by Von Glasersfeld. Proceeding to the constructivistic frame of thought that reality is created by each individual with reference to particular internal processes (specifically cognitive processes), constructionism indicates, according to the social construct theory, that the interaction between individuals is responsible for the process of reality creation. The core of the frameworks of reasoning involves that reality is not created by the individual or individuals, and that, therefore not only one objective reality exists, but in fact a range of subjective realities - realities that are continually adapted by means of a process of evolution. As the individual is exposed to new experiences, he attaches new unique meanings to it, and this continually creates another reality. This view implies specific implications for the profession of Social Work. For example, final and objective diagnoses about persons, families, groups or communities cannot be made, as such diagnoses are based on a subjective reality created by a social worker in a certain situation. Indeed, there is no objective reality against which those concerned could be measured in order to come to a conclusion. Further, constructivism and constructionism imply that the social worker departs from a position of not-knowing. He is therefore not the only skilled person, but seeks, together with the client, new realities that could contain the solution of the problems of the client.
Alhoewel daar volgens Van Heerden (1997:13) aangevoer word dat sekere kenners meen dat die postmodernisme dood is en daar gevolglik gesoek moet word na nuwe definisies vir die denke wat op grond daarvan ontwikkel, word aanvaar dat daar binne die konteks van die maatskaplike werk nog veel ruimte vir besinning oor die effek van die postmodernistiese epistemologie op die beoefening van die professie is
“Constructvism in its pure, radical sense is incompatible with traditional thinking” (Watzlawick, 1984:15) en vorm deel van die postmodernisme
Op die vraag wat konstruktivisme impliseer, antwoord Von Glasersfeld (1995:1) soos volg: "It is an unconventional approach to the problems of knowledge and knowing” en gaan later voort deur te sê dat die konstruktivisme "... has nothing to say about what may or may not exist
Daar is veral vier teoretiese strominge wat die konstruktivisme ten grondslag lê, naamlik Maturana se struktuurdeterminisme, die persoonlikheidskonstrukteteorie van Kelly, Von Glasersfeld se radikale konstruk tivisme en die sosiaal-konstruksionisme. Dié teorieë fokus op faktore wat werklikheidskepping vanaf 'n interne tot eksterne vlak beïnvloed
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