
A school library that exists in all levels of schools is a facility that supports the process of productive learningfor thefuffillment of information needs especially literature and the information deriving from the teachers. This article is written in response to the problem encountered in school libraries particularly at the elementary school at Subdistrict of Minggir District of Sleman with poor facilities, limited collection and aquisition and management. These conditions will indirectly affect the utilization of the school library by the teachers at elementary schools. This writing is meant to help teachers at elementary schools to understand the meaning of the library within the school. Approach to the analysis is based on the theory of social construction introduced by Peter L. Berger mtd T. Luclcrnan. We can use the concept of meaning and rests on thefact that there are objective reality, symbolic reality, and subjective reality. It is emphasized that the objective reality would affect the return to a subjective reality through a process of internalization. Subjective reality is inseparable from the process of socialization. Subjective reality affects the externalization process at the end. This condition can be associated with the birth of understanding what has been and will be done by the teacher in an elementary school library in the symbolic reality. Finally, this study reveals that there are two typologies ofteachers; professional staffmembers and deserter.

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