
AbstrakSungai memiliki peranan penting bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya, di antaranya adalah sebagai habitat bagi komunitas makrozoobentos dan pemanfaatan material berupa pasir dan batu sebagai bahan bangunan. Sungai Progo merupakan salah satu sungai yang hampir di sepanjang sungainya terdapat aktivitas penambangan pasir. Jika aktivitas ini dilakukan terus menerus dalam jumlah banyak dan tanpa pengawasan yang baik dapat menyebabkan terjadinya erosi dan degradasi serta sedimentasi pada bagian-bagian tertentu sungai. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh aktivitas penambangan pasir terhadap distribusi dan kemelimpahan komunitas makrozoobentos di Sungai Progo, serta Functional Feeding Group (FFG) yang paling melimpah dan parameter fisiko-kimia yang memengaruhinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu mencuplik dan preparasi sampel makrozoobentos, identifikasi sampel, dan pengukuran parameter fisiko-kimia. Aktivitas penambangan pasir di Sungai Progo berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap makrozoobentos, yaitu dengan menyebabkan adanya erosi dan degradasi di kawasan penambangan pasir serta sedimentasi di bagian hilir. FFG makrozoobentos di Sungai Progo yang paling melimpah adalah tipe scraper dan collector. Berdasarkan analisis regresi dan korelasi Pearson didapatkan hasil bahwa fosfat berkorelasi positif terhadap densitas makrozoobentos di bagian hulu Sungai Progo, intensitas cahaya berkorelasi positif terhadap densitas makrozoobentos di bagian tengah Sungai Progo, dan kecepatan arus berkorelasi positif terhadap densitas makrozoobentos di bagian hilir Sungai Progo. AbstractRiver has an important role for human and other organisms, among them are as habitat of macrozoobenthos community and the utilization of the material, such as river sand and gravel for building material. Progo River is one of rivers which have sand mining activities almost all along the river. If this activity being done continuously, in a big amount and without a good supervision, it could lead to erosion, degradation and sedimentation in some specific parts. Therefore, this research has an aim to study the effects of sand mining activity towards the distribution and the abundance of macrozoobenthos community in Progo River, and also to study which Functional Feeding Group (FFG) is the most abundant and the physic-chimic parameter that affecting them. This research was conducted in three steps, sampling and preparation of macrozoobenthos’s sample, sample’s identification, and the measurement physicochemical parameter. Sand mining activity in Progo River effect indirectly towards macrozoobenthos by causing erosion and degradation in sand mining area as well as sedimentation in downstream. The most abundant FFG of macrozobenthos in sand mining area of Progo River are scraper and collector. Based on regression and Pearson correlation analysis the results show that phosphate correlated positively against the density of macrozoobenthos in the headwaters of Progo River, light intensity correlated positively against the density of macrozoobenthos in the midstream of the Progo River, and current velocity correlated positively against the density of macrozoobenthos in the downstream of the Progo River.

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