
This research based on tourism which has become an important asset for Kabupaten Bangkalan and needed to be informed to the people. The ministry of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kabupaten Bangkalan is a government institution which work on tourism and the job is to promote the existing tourism. This research is aiming to describe Marketing Communication which has been done by The ministry of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kabupaten Bangkalan on increasing the tourist visit. The focuses in this research are Siring Kemuning Beach, Guweh Pote Jaddih Hills and Swimming pool, And Pesarean Syaikhona Kholil. The teory used in this research is Integrated Communication Marketing (IMC). The research method which is used in this research is Qualitative with desciptive type. The result from the research found that Marketing Communication activity by The ministry of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kabupaten Bangkalan on increasing the tourist visit used Integrated Marketing Communication such as Advertising, Direct Marketing, Interactive Marketing, Sales Promotion, Publicity or Public Relations, Personal sales, Events and Experiences, Person to Person, but in reality The ministry of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kabupaten Bangkalan has not been maximizing the elements of Integrated Marketing Communication that can increase the numbers of tourists visit. The researcher also found that tourism object Guweh Pote Jaddih Hills and Swimming pool have not under the controll of The ministry of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kabupaten Bangkalan and still in private or individual claim, this is so unfortunate because this tourism object attaracts many tourists visit. Keywords : communication marketing tourism, increase, tourism visit.

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