The media is powerfull, logic of profi t rules the media, the information has become a merchandise. Amenities are increasingly under pressure of commercialization, which is largely a result of new ownership, the interests and influence of advertising industry. The media have the power to create images of the world, but themes which are mainly concerned differs from the topics that general public see as necessary, reasonable and decisive. That is, mainly the social issues and the “little man”businesses, which gradually disappears from the media. In the economic development of enterprise, media has the primary role, the infl uence of media on business activity is crucial, particularly in creating a favorable business climate. Businessmen in Croatia have numerous problems, in terms of survival and development in these very troubled and uncertain market regions and times. This is why the media has a demanding task to keep the dignity and avoid sensationalism, and actively participate in the development business. Testing the impact of media on business activity, as well as the general social development is not simply because it is a very dynamic economic category, which quickly and clearly refl ect all changes in business conditions and disorders of crisis communication.
I s t r mercialization, which is largely a result of new ownership, the interests and influence of advertising industry
Cilj je rada na temelju znanstvenih, teorijskih, praktičnih i stručnih spoznaja definirati komunikaciju medija i poduzetnika te njihov utjecaj na poduzetničke aktivnosti
Upravo je stoga svrha istraživanja postojanje komunikacije poduzetnika i medija te činjenice da mediji premalo pišu na tu temu, a kada pišu, čine to na senzacionalistički način, donoseći samo površne informacije bez neke dublje analize
The media is powerfull, logic of profit rules the media, the information has become a merchandise. Businessmen a in Croatia have numerous problems, in terms of survival and development n in these very troubled and uncertain market regions and times. This is why j the media has a demanding task to keep the dignity and avoid sensationala ism, and actively participate in the development business. U praksi se često događa da uspješan obrtnik u svom poslu nema dobru komunikaciju s medijima, tako da nastaju “slučajevi” u načinu poslovanja, “upitne zakonitosti” i slično, što. Ima i primjera gdje s poduzetnik ima dobru i uspješnu komunikaciju s medijima, što doprinosi t ukupnom pozitivnom i uspješnom poslovanju tvrtke ili obrta. S jedne strane moraju prodati svoj proizvod pa koncepciju prilagođavaju zanimanju široke publike, a s druge strane svjesni su i svoje uloge u promicanju trajnih društvenih vrijednosti, razvoju i napretku gospodarstva
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