
A surprisingly small number of papers dealing with the activity of cultural communities of Serbs in Slovenia and cultural societies of Slovenians in Serbia can be found in the research that primarily investigates promotion and preservation of cultural heritage of these two peoples. The aim of the paper is to show the activities of these two minor communities, focused on promotion and preservation of their own musical heritage within cultural societies where they act. Using the methodology of oral interview of leading people in cultural communities, significant research data were obtained related to study of importance of various aspects of investigation in minor ethnical communities. By comparing the results provided by research in these two national minorities, organized in different cultural societies (i.e. in different countries), we wanted to investigate the relationship between minorities and cultural heritage as well as various aspects of its identification, promotion and transmission. In our paper we found that Serbian cultural societies in Slovenia primarily promoted the folklore tradition, while Slovenian cultural societies in Serbia were engaged in choir singing as their basic activity. The findings of research reveal significant possibilities for further ethno-musicological and musicological investigation combined with other scientific disciplines related to this topic.


  • A surprisingly small number of papers dealing with the activity of cultural communities of Serbs in Slovenia and cultural societies of Slovenians in Serbia can be found in the research that primarily investigates promotion and preservation of cultural heritage of these two peoples

  • The aim of the paper is to show the activities of these two minor communities, focused on promotion and preservation of their own musical heritage within cultural societies where they act

  • By comparing the results provided by research in these two national minorities, organized in different cultural societies, we wanted to investigate the relationship between minorities and cultural heritage as well as various aspects of its identification, promotion and transmission

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Апстракт: Значајно је мали број истраживања о делатности културних заједница Срба у Словенији и словеначких културних друштава у Србији. У раду смо установили да српска културна друштва у Словенији примарно негују традицију свог фолклорног народног стваралаштва, док у словеначким културним друштвима који делују у Србији водећи аспект деловања усмерен је ка хорском певању. Један од важних аспеката културних дешавања у друштвима представља неговање музичког наслеђа, којег ћемо у овом тексту истражити у оквиру деловања словеначких културних друштава у Србији и српских у Словенији.

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