
The stoicheiometries and kinetics of the silver(II) oxidation of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, n-butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, and pivaldehyde have been investigated at 8.0, 14.0, and 22.0 °C in aqueous perchloric acid media (1.00 ⩽[HClO4]⩽ 4.00M; µ 4.0M). The kinetics were monitored by a stopped flow technique. The reactions occur with the stoicheiometry H2O + 2AgII+ RCHO → 2AgI+ 2H++ RCOOH. The rate-determining step is first order in each reactant, and involves both Ag2+ and AgOH+ species. No direct evidence for complex formation between the reactants was obtained. The results are discussed with reference to enolization and hydration equilibria of the substrates. gem-Diol forms of the aldehydes are suggested as the active species.

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