
Abstract Kilometer-scale climate model simulations are useful tools to investigate past and future changes in extreme precipitation, particularly in mountain regions, where convection is influenced by complex topography and land–atmosphere interactions. In this study, we evaluate simulations of a flood-producing mesoscale convective system (MCS) downstream of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) in the Sichuan basin from a kilometer-scale multimodel and multiphysics ensemble. The aim is to better understand the physical processes that need to be correctly simulated for successfully capturing downstream MCS formation. We assess how the ensemble members simulate these processes and how sensitive the simulations are to different model configurations. The preceding vortex evolution over the TP, its interaction with the jet stream, and water vapor advection into the basin are identified as key processes for the MCS formation. Most modeling systems struggle to capture the interaction between the vortex and jet stream, and perturbing the model physics has little impact, while constraining the large-scale flow by spectral nudging improves the simulation. This suggests that an accurate representation of the large-scale forcing is crucial to correctly simulate the MCS and associated precipitation. To verify whether the identified shortcomings systematically affect the MCS climatology in longer-term simulations, we evaluate a 1-yr WRF simulation and find that the seasonal cycle and spatial distribution of MCSs are reasonably well captured and not improved by spectral nudging. While the simulations of the MCS case highlight challenges in extreme precipitation forecasting, we conclude that these challenges do not systematically affect simulated climatological MCS characteristics. Significance Statement Convective storm systems in mountain regions are not well understood, because the spatial resolution in conventional regional climate models is too coarse to resolve relevant processes. Here, we evaluate high-resolution climate model simulations of a storm system on the downwind side of the Tibetan Plateau. Understanding which models and model setups work well to represent this type of storm system is important because high-resolution models can help us understand mechanisms of storm formation in mountain regions and how climate change will affect these. A key finding is that most of the models struggle to capture the selected storm case, while a 1-yr simulation shows that the general statistics of storm systems around the Tibetan Plateau are still reasonably well captured.

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