
At the "One Belt and One Road" forum held in Beijing on May 14-15, 2017, Chinese Leader Xi Jinping formulated the basic principles of the "Chinese new vision of globalization". These are the principles of respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, social order and respect for the interests of all countries along the way. Dialogue, not confrontation, partnership, not rivalry. Within the framework of the project, China is creating an open platform for cooperation and a favorable investment environment. The most important component of globalization and economic growth is trade. It is on the basis of these assumptions that China calls for protecting multilateral trade relations and facilitating the simplification of customs and transit procedures. Investment "outside" will allow China not only to significantly expand the export market, but also to become a strong argument for the internationalization of the Chinese currency. In general, we are talking about maximizing the use of integration processes in the Eurasian space for the development of China's national economy. At the same time, China for the first time provided a strategic program for the creation of a land trade route, aimed at completely reformatting trade and economic processes on the continent, creating completely new geopolitical and geo-economic ties. The ongoing processes of globalization are gradually transforming the very concept of "landlocked country" into the definition of"country connected by land transport arteries". Keywords: "One Belt, One Road" initiative, Globalization and regionalization, development of trade relations in Eurasia, international transport corridors, integration with national projects.

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