
This article discusses the results of research related to local knowledge in Aceh's maritime community. The local knowledge discussed in this article concerns about astronomical knowledge in the fishing communities of Aceh. Where local knowledge in the current era is increasingly being eroded by technological advances, but on the other hand local knowledge is a treasure of the nation. This research was conducted in Aceh, using a qualitative approach. Then this study also uses concepts from interdisciplinary science, namely sociology, anthropology and history. This multi-disciplinary approach to gain a more comprehensive perspective. Based on this research, it can be described that local knowledge is a form of community adaptation to the natural environment in which they interact. One form of local adaptation which later became local knowledge was the astronomical knowledge of Aceh sailors. This astronomical knowledge in the people of Aceh is known as keuneneng. Keuneneng is knowledge in determining climate. Keuneneng is divided into twelve keuneneng, according to the number of months. Starting from the keuneneng dua ploh lhei, to the keuneneng sa. In addition to keuneneng, in Acehnese society, especially Acehnese sailors are also known for their knowledge of astrology. Apart from being a guide, this astrology is also used to detect natural threats at sea. This astronomical knowledge is a form of natural adaptation, which later becomes local knowledge in Aceh.

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