
Dissemination of information in the implementation of Qanun No. 1 of 2018 concerning the preventing teenage smoker in Bener Meriah Regency has very complex challenges and problems, the empirical phenomenon related to the implementation of Qanun in the preventing teenage smokerin Bener Meria Regency, has several fundamental problems related to information dissemination, including understanding the purpose of the content of the qanun has not been understood by stakeholders, the identification of the core message to be communicated has not been conveyed well to the public, this phenomenon has implications for determining policy targets or goals, effective use of media has not been used to disseminate information related to the qanun in non-smoking areas, the E dashboard application provided by the Ministry of Health is not yet known and understood by policy makers in Bener Meriah. Based on the existing conditions, the number of smokers in the Aceh region is in 13th place with a smoking rate of 28.30%, with a total population of Aceh of 5.3 million people. in 2021. This figure is high, so it is close to the national smoking figure, specifically 28.96. More than 1 million or 20 percent of the entire population are heavy smokers.Based on information from the Central Measurement Agency (BPS) . Meanwhile, grand theory is used in the context of dissemination of policy information to support policy implementation, information is considered fuel for the running of public programs and services (Monge & Rotich: 2014).This investigation aims to determine significance, social influence, introduction of related partner groups, organization, communication, introduction of activities and dissemination of data. The instruments used in this investigation were analysts as the instrument and other instruments in the form of direct meetings. The results of in-depth interviews conducted in this investigation were analyzed using the substance investigation method. After establishing a general perception of supportive communication, the analysts evaluated the importance of supporting communication's role in empowering an open approach that supports management of a problem. The results of the research show that the implementation of information dissemination policies will run better if they are able to strengthen implementation issue factors and understand the characteristics of policies as an effort to achieve goals by prioritizing transparent governance. Comprehensive study of increasing the role of policy actors, namely the bureaucracy of mass media institutions and information groups to collaborate resources so that Information dissemination is well received by the community and empowers the community to use existing aspiration channels to continuously improve policy implementation.

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