
Language skills affect each other. Before the child is able to speak, read, and write the child first listens. Listening is the earliest ability a child learns among the three other abilities. This is explained also by Tarigan (2008: 2) "in childhood we learn to listen to language then speak, after that we read and write". PPT activities that are able to develop the ability to listen to children through storytelling activities. By telling a child's hearing can be functioned well to help the ability to speak, by increasing vocabulary vocabulary, the ability to say words, train stringing sentences in accordance with the stage of development. The research design used is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this study were children aged 3-4 years in PPT Tanjung IX Kenjeran Surabaya. From the results of research the ability to listen is the ability that can be possessed by children through guidance, in group A PPT Tanjung IX Kenjeran Surabaya children the ability to listen to children based on research results is still in the developing stages. To reach the stage it has developed and is developing very well the teacher must guide and train the child. The data analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model consists of 3 steps namely, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The conclusion of this study is that the child is in the stage of developing according to the expected indicators. Situation factors are the factors that most influence the ability to listen to children in storytelling activities. The method used by teachers in PPT Tanjung IX Kenjeran Surabaya is the method of recounting, working on it, answering questions and paraphrase


  • PENDAHULUAN Masa usia dini merupakan masa tumbuh dan berkembangnya seorang anak

  • PPT activities that are able to develop the ability to listen to children through storytelling activities

  • From the results of research the ability to listen is the ability that can be possessed by children through guidance, in group A PPT Tanjung IX Kenjeran Surabaya children the ability to listen to children based on research results is still in the developing stages

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PENDAHULUAN Masa usia dini merupakan masa tumbuh dan berkembangnya seorang anak. Segala aspek yang ada pada diri anak berkembang sangat pesat. Dari hasil penelitian Kemampuan menyimak adalah kemampuan yang dapat dimiliki oleh anak melalui bimbingan, pada anak kelompok A PPT Tanjung IX Kenjeran Surabaya kemampuan menyimak anak berdasarkan hasil penelitian masih dalam tahap mulai berkembang. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Anak sudah dalam tahap mulai berkembang sesuai dengan indikator yang diharapkan.

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