
Assessment is a process to find out a person's ability, to a competency, based on the evidence. Basically, it is a process of searching for evidence. Meanwhile, development is a process that occurs in every human being. In this period, human development is closely related to the level of maturity. Changes made progressively and systematically in humans. Then the younger children have more than 6 years of age. Where children are still experiencing a lot of development. Assessment conducted on AUD to support the development of children since AUD, so that parents and teachers are able to provide appropriate stimulus and intervention to children
 Keywords: educational games, memorizing, numbers 1-20


  • Where children are still experiencing a lot of development

  • Assessment conducted on AUD to support the development of children since AUD, so that parents and teachers are able to provide appropriate stimulus and intervention to children

  • Necessary but not sufficient: The Respective Roles of Single and Multiple Influences on Individual Development

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Universitas Narotama

Asesmen adalah suatu proses untuk mengetahui kemampuan seseorang, terhadap suatu kompetensi, berdasarkan bukti-bukti. Asesmen itu adalah suatu proses penelusuran bukti. Perkembangan merupakan proses yang terjadi pada tiap manusia. Perkembangan manusia sangat terkait dengan tingkat kematangannya. Perubahan yang dialami bersifat progresif serta sistematis di dalam diri manusia. Lalu anak usia dini sendiri berarti anak yang memiliki umur dibawah 6 tahun. Dimana seorang anak masih mengalami banyak perkembangan. Asesmen yang dilakukan pada AUD bertujuan untuk mendeteksi perkembangan anak sejak AUD, sehingga orang tua dan guru mampu memberikan stimulus dan intevensi yang tepat pada anak

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