
Background and objectives, Fish was an export commodity that decays faster than fruits andvegetables. Jambal roti fish is salted fish products derived from Manyung fish (Arius thalassinus), is oneof the food ingredients commonly mixed with food additive that forbidden by the government, namelyformalin. The purpose of the study was to determine the formaldehyde levels content in jambal roti (Ariusthalassinus) salted fish sold in Teluk Penyu tourist resort Cilacap 2014.The research design used was descriptive research with lab analyst, to obtain vivid descriptionrelated Jambal roti salted fish (Arius thalassinus)physical condition, measuring the traders knowledgelevel and formaldehyde levels examination jambal roti (Arius thalassinus) salted fish sold in Teluk Penyutourist resort Cilacap 2014.The research results shows from 10 samples the Jambal roti salted fish (Arius thalassinus) physicalcondition measured with organoleptic obtained good categories with 70% percentage. The examinationresults shows that from 10 samples, 9 samples proved negative (did not contain formaldehyde) on thenumber of samples 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 and 1 sample contained 0.5 mg of formaldehyde which is samplenumber 6.The conclusions drawn was the tested samples number 6 positive containing formaldehyde 0.5 mg,so that sample number 6 declared not safe for public consumption. The trader knowledge level relatedforbidden food additive was poor, researchers need to provide discourse related formaldehyde danger ifused as food additive in the future so that the trader knows about the dangers of formaldehyde was aforbidden food additive.


  • The research design used was descriptive research with lab analyst, to obtain vivid description related Jambal roti salted fish (Arius thalassinus)physical condition, measuring the traders knowledge level and formaldehyde levels examination jambal roti (Arius thalassinus) salted fish sold in Teluk Penyu tourist resort Cilacap 2014

  • The research results shows from 10 samples the Jambal roti salted fish (Arius thalassinus) physical condition measured with organoleptic obtained good categories with 70% percentage

  • The trader knowledge level related forbidden food additive was poor, researchers need to provide discourse related formaldehyde danger if used as food additive in the future so that the trader knows about the dangers of formaldehyde was a forbidden food additive

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Latar Belakang Masalah

Perikanan, dan Peternakan menemukan produk makanan mengandung formalin ditiga pasar tradisional daerah. Namun demikian mengenai masalah formalin, perhatian pemerintah kita masih kurang perhatian, karena selain digunakan dalam sektor industri, formalin juga disalah gunakan untuk keperluan lain seperti pengawetan makanan yang sangat tidak baik apabila di konsumsi oleh tubuh manusia. Berdasarkan peraturan-peraturan tersebut, formalin termasuk dalam kategori bahan berbahaya yang penggunaannya harus diawasi, namun peraturan tersebut selama ini seolah-olah tidak berlaku sebagai mana mestinya dalam menghentikan penggunaan formalin dalam produk pangan seperti ikan asin (Hustyani dan Siti, 2006). B. Perumusan Masalah Apakah terdapat kadar formalin pada ikan asin Jambal roti (Arius thalassinus) yang dijual di kawasan Wisata Teluk Penyu Cilacap Tahun 2014?. Tujuan Umum Mengukur kadar formalin yang terdapat pada ikan asin Jambal roti (Arius thalassinus) yang dijual oleh pedagang di kawasan Wisata Teluk Penyu Cilacap Tahun 2014 ? Mengetahui ciri-ciri fisik ikan asin Jambal roti (Arius thalassinus) yang mengandung formalin dan tanpa formalin

Kerangka Pikir
Subyek Penelitian Subjek penelitiannya adalah kadar
Sejarah Singkat Pantai Teluk Penyu
Data pedagang ikan asin Jambal roti
Gambaran Umum Obyek Wisata Pantai Teluk Penyu
Tingkat Pengetahuan Pedagang Ikan asin
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