
Juvenile criminality has always been of a great interest as a phenomenon. This fact can be explained as like the young people are the reserves of humanity, On it depends the continuity of development of the entire society. But the crimes made by juveniles prove that they are characterized by the negative socialization, unsatisfactory education and because of this their integration In the social life increase a lot of problems. More than that, Juvenile criminality is an index of the degradation of the society. Studying the problems of juvenile delinquency, as well as general crime, requires consideration of the concrete situation - political and socio-economic, on the background of which criminogenic processes are formed and developed. Unfortunately, we must recognize that the current political and socio-economic background clearly negatively influences the youth environment, including adolescents. A constant trend towards the worsening economic living conditions of most of the country’s population, including minor children, leads to an increase in the level of psycho-emotional overload and the intensification of the crisis in family relationships. In turn, these circumstances contribute to the emergence of child neglect as a social phenomenon.

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