
The article describes the formation of longitudinal and transverse slopes in Bukhara, Navoi, Khorezm, Kashkadarya regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. To date, sufficient research has not been conducted to create a new design, expand the capabilities and substantiate the parameters of the working bodies, although longitudinal thresholds are formed with the help of the developed devices, but in ensuring the quality and durability of the formed longitudinal thresholds. In this article, a theoretical study was carried out based on the parameters of the working body of the capacitor of longitudinal overlaps between rows of porous ones. As a result of theoretical studies, it was determined that the angle of inclination of the conical part of the capacitor cathode of the device should be 38 °, the total width of the cathode is 40 cm, the width of the conical part is 15 cm, the diameter of the cathode is at least 20.05 cm, the large diameter of the conical part 43.48 cm. As a result of the use of a device for the formation of a longitudinal bollard in the aisles of cotton, equipped with a sealing working body, a 46.2% reduction in manual labor was achieved, labor productivity increased 1.5 times.

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