
The subject matter of the article is the functioning process of the armored weapons and military equipment recovery system during combat operations in modern conditions. The goal of the study is to justify of recommendations for improving the functioning of the recovery armored weapons and military equipment under the order to reduce the time of work and rational use of forces and resources. The tasks to be solved are: to present the process of functioning of the system of armored weapons recovery and military equipment as a list of events and works that comprehensively reflect its essence and the interrelations between individual actions; to build a network graphical model of functioning of the armored weapons and military equipment recovery system of the assigned units; to analyze the critical path of network grapHhics; to identify critical work requiring closer scrutiny and identification of issues and risks that may impact the functioning of the whole recovery system, by analyzing and optimizing the network schedule make suggestions for improving the operation of the recovery armored weapons and military equipment system. General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge are used. The following results are obtained. It was simulated the functioning of the armored weapons and military equipment recovery system of military units in performing their tasks by constructing a graphical network models critical path. Analysis network diagram allowed us to determine directions of improvement of functioning of system of recovery of armored weapons and military equipment under the conditions of limited material and nonmaterial resources and regular information updates. Conclusions. The network graphic model of the for restoring armored weapons and military equipment recovery of during combat operations it possible to present the entire scope of work, their logical and chronological relationship and to adjust plans taking into account the limited time and insufficient number and training of personnel. Analysis of the critical path of the network schedule makes it possible to conclude that if there are several battalions in the brigade, the repair of samples of armored weapons and military equipment with a labor intensity of more than 200 people / hour is on the critical path because the forces and means for the restoration of armored weapons and military equipment not enough in modern conditions. The network schedule for the recovery of armored weapons and military equipment with the functional distribution of the volume and list of works is optimal for the length of the critical path. The practical implementation of proposals to improve the functioning of the armored weapons and military equipment recovery system is possible by creating separate logistics units of the appropriate hierarchy levels and implementing an interspecific territorial system for providing military units

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