
Analysis of the performance of tasks by military units (subdivisions) in local wars, armed conflicts during the performance of tasks in international peacekeeping and security operations suggests that one of the main factors influencing the success of the tasks is the availability of working models of weapons and military equipment . At the same time, one of the main sources of receipt in military units (subdivisions) of working samples of armaments and military equipment during hostilities is their return from stationary and mobile repair and rehabilitation military units (subdivisions) after repair and restoration works.The development of the logistics system in the Armed Forces of Ukraine at all levels of the hierarchy requires the search for new methodological approaches to the provision of troops (forces), namely to increase the efficiency of tasks to restore damaged weapons and military equipment.Therefore, the paper proposes a mathematical model for evaluating the effectiveness of the system of restoration of armaments and military equipment and providing material resources by the probability of performing a set of works performed for a given time. For this purpose, a semi-Markov model of the functioning of the subsystem for the restoration of armaments and military equipment and the provision of material resources in the general logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was used.To determine the performance of the logistics system, it was specified that at the initial time the system is in the appropriate state. If there is a transition from one state to another, then in this state the system is a random time with an arbitrary distribution function.Thus, it is possible to answer questions about the functioning of the logistics system, in particular about the time spent in the appropriate set of states, the time of operation until the transition to the next state. The transition of the system from one state to another occurs with probability. Similarly, the stationary probabilities of the weapons and military equipment and logistics system in all other states are located.

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