
In order to achieve high efficiency in the use of military units and individual units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of combat operations, it is necessary to constantly maintain weapons and military equipment in readiness for use. To solve this problem, there is a system of logistics support, where one of the main components is the provision of weapons and military equipment, maintaining it in readiness for combat use, restoration (repair). The article discusses approaches to support the decision to implement measures to restore weapons and military equipment in the logistics system of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during operations (combat actions), takes into account the experience of conducting combat operations during an anti- terrorist operation and performing tasks as part of a group of troops in the zone of the operation of the joint forces in the east of Ukraine. The main factors impacting the organization of the restoration of military equipment in combat conditions are given. The main provisions of the methods for assessing the condition of damaged weapons and military equipment, opportunities for its restoration, determining the composition of repair and restoration units and assessing the effectiveness of the system of restoration of weapons and military equipment in general. Ways to improve the equipment of repair and restoration units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the main issues to be covered in the development of guidelines for the organization and implementation of the restoration of weapons and military equipment in combat. The process of support of decision is offered on implementation of measures in relation to proceeding in an armament and military equipment in the system of logistics providing of Aircrafts of Military Powers of Ukraine to divide into three mutually constrained stages: analysis of process of proceeding in an armament and military equipment, development of methodologies and development of recommendations (suggestions). It is suggested to work out Guidance from proceeding in an armament and military equipment of Aircrafts of Military Powers of Ukraine for establishing the general requirements to planning, order of organization and realization of repair-restoration works on an armament and military equipment in a special period (during the conduct of combat actions).

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