
This study was conducted to determine the crown form characteristics, biomass expansion factors, stem density and to develop allometric equations for aboveground biomass estimation in age class IV of Pinus thunbergii stands at the Coastal Disaster Prevention Forest in Seocheon region. A total of 10 representative trees were destructively sampled, partitioned per biomass component and weighed to get the green and dry weights. Regression equations that estimate biomass using only diameter at breast height (DBH), and DBH and total height (H) as predictor variables were derived. Aboveground biomass expansion factor and stem density resulted to 1.173 and 0.456 g/m 3 , respectively. The ratio of each biomass component to aboveground biomass was determined and resulted to 85.4% for stem, 9.9% for branch and 4.7% for needles. The allometric equation with form lnY=β0+β1lnD showed the best results based on model evaluation criteria, specifically the adjusted multiple coefficient of determination (90%), adjusted coefficient of determination and standard error of estimate.

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