
Dams in South Korea serve various functions, including water supply, hydropower, and transportation; in particular, they are responsible for a significant portion of flood control. This study aims to propose a methodology that field engineers can easily utilize to assess the hydrological conditions of small dams that require simultaneous discharge during flood inflow due to limited storage capacity. Therefore, the relationship between rainfall, storage volume, and target water level was established for dams. This relationship is represented as a curve and is based on the storage volume during the rising phases of floods. Historical data of the Goesan Dam, located in the Dalcheon Basin of the Han River, including inflow, discharge, and rainfall were collected at 10-minute intervals. Analysis was conducted on four major flood events occurring since 2018. The proposed methodology was applied to derive the rainfall-storage volume-target water level curve for the Goesan Dam. Subsequently, the appropriate flood response water level for the Gosan Dam was calculated, and its applicability was examined.

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