PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 吉林省天然黄檗种群遗传多样性ISSR分析 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201411142255 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目资助(2012BAD22B04) Analysis of genetic diversity in wild populations of Phellodendron amurense Rupr. in Jilin Province using inter-simple sequence repeat Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)是吉林省长白山林区珍贵用材树种和主要建群树种,由于过度采伐和利用,其资源数量和质量明显下降。依据其资源自然分布现状,选择了10个具有代表性的天然黄檗分布种群,应用ISSR标记技术对其进行了遗传多样性的分析,以期为黄檗种群资源的收集、保存和保护提供依据和支持。研究结果表明:从60条ISSR引物中筛选出扩增99条带,多态性条带数为54条,多态性比率为54.5%。10个种群的多态位点比率分布在18.52%-37.96%范围内,其中珲春种群的多态位点比率最高,为37.96%,吉林省露水河种群的多态位点比率最低为18.52%,种群的平均多态位点百分比为26.02%。利用Shannon指数与Nei指数可较好的估算黄檗种群间的遗传变异,Shannon指数的变化范围在0.1103-0.1949之间,Shannon指数总体平均值为0.1522。Nei指数的变化范围在0.0759-0.1327之间,平均为0.1043。根据Nei法计算黄檗10个种群遗传多样性是Dst=0.1586,分化指数Gst=0.6183,基因流系数Nm为0.3086,总的遗传变异中有61.83%的变异存在于群体间,群体内的变异只占38.17%,种群间存在明显分化。黄檗的10个种群可分为两个大群,即:①松江河、露水河、湾沟、集安、辉南②白石山、汪清、安图、延吉、珲春。根据黄檗的遗传结构提出了保护措施:适度引导营造药用或用材林;开展本地黄檗资源的本底调查并进行资源汇总(包括林班、小班,每株的树龄、树高、胸径、枝下高和冠幅等数据),筛选本地的优势群体进行原地保存;迁地保护策略中要增加样本的数量,白山地区迁地保护的种源应选择松江河、露水河种源,通化地区迁地保护的种源应选择集安种源,而延边地区应选择白石山和汪清种源;人工促进黄檗的天然林更新改造,逐步恢复黄檗种群规模,并且进行人工更新的资源登记。 Abstract:Phellodendron amurense Rupr. is a valuable timber species and a key species in the plant communities of Changbai Mountain in Jilin province; however, due to over-harvesting and utilization, its quantity and quality have clearly declined.. Therefore, based on its distribution on Changbai Mountain in Jilin province, 10 representative populations of P. amurense were selected, and their genetic diversity was investigated using the Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) technique. Using the ISSR data, the Nei and Shannon indices were determined to estimate the genetic variation of the 10 populations. This study aims to provide foundational data for preservation and protection of P. amurense. Using 60 ISSR primers to screen the 10 representative populations of P. amurense, 99 bands were amplified; 54 bands were polymorphic (54.5%). The polymorphism of the 10 populations ranged from 18.52% to 37.96%; the Hunchun population showed the greatest polymorphism, at 37.96%, the Lushuihe population showed the least, at 18.52%, and the average was 26.02%. The Shannon index ranged from 0.1103 to 0.1949, with an average of 0.1522. The Nei index ranged from 0.0759 to 0.1327, with an average of 0.1043. According to Nei's method calculation of Phellodendron amurense 10 population genetic diversity is the DST=0.1586, the differentiation index (GST=0.6183, gene flow coefficient nm is 0.3086... The total genetic variation of 61.83% of the variation existed among populations, and the variation within population was only 38.17%..A cluster map of the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means(UPGMA) relationships, using the ISSRs as molecular markers, was constructed. The 10 populations could be divided into two groups: 1) Songjianghe, Lushuihe, Wangou, Ji-an, and Huinan provinces, and 2) Baishi Shan, Wangqing, Antu, Yanji, and Hunchun provinces. Based on the genetic structure of P. amurense, protection measures were put forward, including guidance to create a medicinal or timber forestry. The local plant resources background investigation and summary of resources (including compartments, sub-compartments, each plant's age, height, diameter, height under crown and crown). To select the local dominant groups to carry on in situ conservation. Ex situ conservation strategies should be used to increase the number of individuals; in the Baishan area, the Songjianghe, Lushuihe provinces should be selected, in the Tonghua Area,the Ji-an provinces should be selected,in the Yanbian area, the Wangqing and Baishi Shan provinces should be selected. Artificial propagation of P. amurense should be used to promote the gradual recovery of populations, and resource manual registration should be established. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献
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