
Iranians identify themselves with the Aryans, heirs of the great empires of Achaemenids and Sassanids, poets — philosophers of the Middle Ages — Saadi, Hafez, Ferdowsi, Khayyam, recognized throughout the world. The state religion of Iran is Shiism. The Arabs, who imposed Islam, destroyed the Persian civilization. Being Sunnis, they do not recognize Iran's leadership in the Shiite community and, moreover, in the Muslim world, they seek to restrain Tehran's ambitions, they consider Shiism a heresy. At the same time, the Iranians, like the Arabs, were aware and understand now the need for normal constructive relations that correspond to the Middle East and international realities. In this context, the countries of the Near and Middle East came to the conclusion that in the current conditions of geopolitical and economic turmoil that arose as a result of the war of the West against Russia, one should independently, by joint efforts, achieve long-term stability and sustainable economic development. In order to solve this problem, it was important to overcome the confrontation between two infl uential regional powers — Iran and Saudi Arabia. China, which has signifi cant fi nancial and technological resources and enjoys international prestige, was chosen as a partner and mediator. Russia also played a positive role, maintaining mutually benefi cial ties with both Iran and the Arab states. On March 10 2023 in Peking an agreement was reached between Tehran and Riyadh to restore diplomatic relations. The Iranian-Saudi reconciliation caused a positive reaction and led to the advancement of the solution of the Syrian, Yemeni and other problems, the stabilization of the situation in Iraq and Lebanon. It is difficult to predict how the situation in the Middle East will develop, but the Arabs' desire for independence and their rapprochement with Iran is in Russia's interests.

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