
We study leading order perturbative corrections to the two pointcorrelation function of the scalar field describing the curvature perturbationin a slow-roll inflationary background, paying particularattention to the contribution of entropy mode loops. We find thatthe infrared divergences are worse than in pure de Sitter space:they are power law rather than logarithmic. The validity of perturbationtheory and thus of the effective field theory of cosmologicalperturbations leads to stringent constraints on the coupling constantsdescribing the interactions, in our model the quarticself-interaction coupling constant of the entropy field. If theself coupling constant is larger than some critical value whichdepends in particular on the duration of the inflationary phase,then perturbation theory breaks down. Our analysis may haveimplications for the stability of de Sitter space: thequantum effects which lead to an instability of de Sitter space willbe larger in magnitude in the presence of entropy fluctuations.

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