
Patients with symptoms of arrhythmias must live a healthy lifestyle and routinely conduct consultations and control the heart rate with the doctor. The most important of these is an integrated health monitoring tool. In this study a portable heart rate monitoring tool is proposed for patients at risk of low-cost IoT-based alert systems using a telegram messager. The ESP8266 Wifi module functions for communication to the web server gateway and pulse sensor to detect heart rates that converted to Bits per Minute (BPM). The heart rate data is then stored in the database server using TCP / IP communication — heartbeat information in realtime with Android display. The system alert will send to the doctor/health worker and family if the heart rate is below 60 BPM and above 100 BPM, the time required for sending system alerts with a telegram messager is around 6 to 7 seconds. Test results show an average error of the heart rate measurement of 4.75% and the entire system is running well. With this tool the patient is at risk of being able to work more safely, and the doctor and family are easier to supervise the patient.

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