
The tip winglet is employed to improve the flow stability of NASA Rotor 37. Two suction-side winglets with the maximum width of 0.25 and 0.5 times of the width of local blade tip section and two pressure-side winglets with the maximum width of 0.5 and 0.9 times of the width of local blade tip section are designed and evaluated by numerical analysis of 3-D flowfield. The results show a rough leakage channel with two static pressure peaks over blade tip is formed due to the existing of pressure side winglet, and it benefits to reduce the effective through-flow area and massflow rate of leakage flow. The blocking effect on leakage flow weakens in new rotor with suction side winglet and it brings out the dramatical increase of leakage massflow rate and additional losses in tip region of rotor. With the comprehensive effects produced by tip winglet on leakage flow, the low-velocity region concerned on the interaction of leakage flow with passage shock has been reduced obviously in rotor with pressure side winglet and it leads to an over 11% increase of stall margin of transonic rotor with no penalty of efficiency. On the contrary, the suction side winglet contributes to a significant deterioration of tip flow characteristics of rotor with full expanded leakage flow and a smaller stall margin with over 17% decrease.

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