
The arc welding processes like MIG which use inert shielding gas atmosphere for the protection of the weld pool from the deleterious effect of the environment are extensively being used in industrial applications. Keeping in view their success and versatility, many of the investigators in the past few years have carried out extensive research work to understand the effects of various shielding gases on weld characteristics besides the protection these gases provide against the atmospheric effects. These investigations have revealed that a shielding gas has much more to do with weld than merely its protection. It was found that these gases affect the mode of metal transfer, bead characteristics, heat input, micro-structural, mechanical and quality of the weld produced. The present work has been carried out to investigate the effects of varying percentage of argon CO2 mixtures on heat input, angular distortion and bead profile parameters of stainless steel 409L MIG butt welds.

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