
(Im) politeness is a common linguistic phenomenon that is widely manifested in everyday social interaction either written or spoken. If different levels such as cognitive, emotional, esthetic & behavioral can be identified within a verbal interaction, (im) politeness is related to the last one. (Im) politeness which has a pragmatic feature & indicates the effectiveness & appropriateness of a verbal action in a given context, is one of the relatively new field of language & linguistic research that has not been considered so far in the analysis of Persian folktales language, which are context-audience-action based literary genres. Due to this fact, impoliteness is examined in the first part of Abu Muslim Nameh. The theoretical model of this research is adapted from Culpeper's manners of impoliteness and seeks to analyze data in the light of factors as: social norms, context, emotions & intentionality. Examples, extracted from the text, are analyzed based on statistical data obtained from the graphs. As the results testify, it is to indicate that out of 5 impoliteness manners, three ones means: negative & positive impoliteness & off record politeness are frequently used in the text. Positive impoliteness is most widely used, while withhold politeness is the least one in the text. Moreover, power, superiority & inferiority have not had much effect on the verbal impolite behavior of narrative characters & Men & women use impoliteness without significant difference.

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