
The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged in today’s scenario in response to the growing concern of environmental sustainability. Green Supply Chain is a term that has it’s importance in the entire supply chain starting from the designing of the product to raw material procurement to manufacturing of the product to distribution and until the end-of-life of the product. It’s main aim is to minimize the negative impact of the supply chain activities and also to maximize the efficiency of resources along with reduction of the waste generation. There are a number of challenges in implementing green practices in the organization, which include the need for cooperation, collaboration and coordination among the partners of supply chain and also the need to identify the cost-effective green practices and technologies. There are a number of strategies which have been proposed to address the challenges faced. These include packaging which is eco-friendly, the concept of reverse logistics etc. The organizations which adopt the green supply chain practices in their organizations, gain various types of benefits from it. These benefits include savings in the costs as there is reduction in the consumption and also waste generation. The brand image of the organization is enhanced by the adoption of green practices and there is increase in the customer loyalty etc. Companieswhich use green supply chain management in their supply chain include Johnson and Johnson, Ford, Adidas, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Tesla etc. The adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) faces multiple challenges including financial barriers, lack of awareness and supplier engagement, and regulatory complexity, while cultural resistance and technological limitations also impede its implementation. Success relies on top management support and overcoming these hurdles to develop sustainable practices across the entire supply chain.

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