
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanks first and foremost to the volunteer contributors to this special issue: Barbara Czarniawska, Ewan Ferlie, Mauro Guillén, Dvora Yanow, and Charles Perrow, who produced essays of truly exceptional quality and were a delight to edit. Thanks also to Steve Kelman and Marc Ventresca for proposing this special issue and my editorship, to Martha Feldman for help in organizing the issue, and to Lisa Cohen, who was an excellent editor to the editor. Additional informationNotes on contributorsRodney LaceyRodney Lacey (rlacey@uci.edu) is at the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Davis. He received his PhD in organization behavior and sociology from Northwestern University. His research focuses on industry-level institutional structures, particularly in entrepreneurial or technologically intensive industries. His specific research projects include the social construction of explanations for industrial accidents, emergence of process standards for software development, and the effect of celebrity CEOs.

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